Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Rita Zukauskiene

Rita Zukauskiene

2005-present: Professor, Mykolas Romeris University


--European Journal of Developmental Psychology (editorial board member, 2003)

--European Psychologist (editorial board member since 2003)

--Social Work (in Lithuanian, editorial board member since 2004)

--Educational Psychology (in Lithuanian, editorial board member since 2004)

--International Journal of Psychology: Biopsychosocial Approach (since 2007)


European Psychologist, European Journal of Developmental Psychology, Personal Relationships (Journal of the International Association for Relationship Research), Social Work, Educational Psychology (in Lithuanian)


--European Society of Developmental Psychology. Member of ESDP Council
--European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA). Member of EARA
--International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD). Coordinators of ISSBD Regional Office (Lithuania)
--Lithuanian Association of Psychologists, member of the LAP
--Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA)
--Member of the Mental Health, Law, and Policy Institute at Simon Fraser University,


• Principal organizer of Nordic Baltic Summer Institute on Risk and protective factors in the development of antisocial behavior (together with Lars R. Bergman). June 7 - 13, 2001 Vilnius, Lithuania

• Principal organizer of Nordic-Baltic International Workshop on Survey methodology and statistics. November 7 - 10, 2002, Vilnius, Lithuania

• Principal organizer of Nordic-Baltic International Workshop on Positive Psychology and research methodology (together with Lars R. Bergman). Vilnius, Lithuania, October 23 - 26, 2003

• Principal organizer of Nordic Baltic International Workshop “Child and Adolescent Welfare: Assessment and Research Methodology” Vilnius, Lithuania, October 22 - 23, 2004

• Principal organizer (Conference Chair) of the XVth European Conference on Psychology and Law, Vilnius, Lithuania, June 29 - July 2, 2005.

• Principal organizer (Conference Chair) of the 12th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence, 12 - 15 May, 2010, Vilnius, Lithuania,


• "Developmental significance of personal relationships" (chair, organizer). XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany, 2009 20-25.

• ISSBD Regional Workshops: Perspectives from Eastern Europe and South America Zukauskiene R., Koller S. ISSBD meetings, Germany, 2009


1994: Baltic-Scandinavian Summer School on Life-Span Development, Pyhajarve, Estonia

1996: The research training at the Oregon Social Learning Center, USA (under the financial support of the Johann Jacobs Foundation)

1998: The research training at the Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, Sweden (under the financial support of the Svenska Institute, Sweden)

1999: Workshop on Suicide prevention, intervention, postvention at schools (by Antoon. A Leenaars), Vilnius, Lithuania

1999: Summer workshop on Advanced Methods in Social, Personality and Developmental Psychology, Jyväskylä, Findland

1999: Fellow of Session 366: Urban Youth, April 25-May 2, Salzburg Seminar, Austria

2000: ISSBD Beijing Preconference Workshop "Cultural and Life-Span Perspectives on Human Development", Beijing, China


1996-1998: Leader and main grant holder of the research project "Aggressive Behavior in Childhood and Adolescence" (Research Support Scheme, Prague, RSS No. 128/1966)

1999-2000: Leader and main grant holder of the research project “Future goals and beliefs of potential at-risk youth in changing social system” (Young investigators grant from John Jacobs foundation)

1997, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2003: Leader and main grant holder of the research projects on Development of Antisocial behavior in adolescence (Lithuanian Science Foundation)

2001: Principal organizer and main grants holder of Nordic-Baltic Summer Institute on Risk and protective factors in development of antisocial behavior, Vilnius, Lithuania

2001, 2002, 2003: Leader and main grants holder of the Network under support of Nordic Grant Scheme and NorFA

2002-2003: Leader and main grant holder of the research project on Implementation of gender equality as guarantee of women's career success in education, science and decision-making processes (UNESCO participation program 2002-2003)

2004: DAPHNE II 2004 project Sara travels (Spousal Assault Risk Assessment: Transferring Assessment of Violence in Europe and Locally Studying Stalking). Associazione Differenza Donna (ONLUS)

2005: DAPHNE II 2005 FEAR in IPV - Fatality European Assessement Review in Intimate Partner Violence. Department of Psychology, Second University of Naples, Italy, Partner organisation: Department of Psychology, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, LITHUANIA. Coordinator: Rita Zukauskiene

2006: SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY 7. Citizens and Governance in a knowledge based society. PROMINSTAT (STREP). Promoting Comparative Quantitative Research in the Field of Migration and Integration in Europe. Proposal Nr. 028972

2008-2012 Cyberbullying: coping with negative and enhancing positive uses of new technologies, in relationships in educational settings. COST (EU) (MC member)


2004: EU, Priority 7: Citizens and Governance in the Knowledge-Based Society

2004-2005: EU project POLITIS "Civic Participation of Naturalised Citizens and Foreign Residents in 25 Countries"

2004: USA National Science Foundation (NSF)

Primary Interests:

  • Aggression, Conflict, Peace
  • Causal Attribution
  • Close Relationships
  • Gender Psychology
  • Intergroup Relations
  • Internet and Virtual Psychology
  • Interpersonal Processes
  • Law and Public Policy
  • Life Satisfaction, Well-Being
  • Personality, Individual Differences
  • Research Methods, Assessment
  • Social Cognition

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Journal Articles:

Courses Taught:

  • Applied Social Psychology
  • Criminal Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Psychology of Antisocial Behavior
  • Research Methodology

Rita Zukauskiene
Ateities str. 20
LT-08303 Vilnius

  • Phone: +37052714620

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